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  • What is My Sephora University or "My SU"? My Sephora University is your new training platform. It’s available from your computer in store and also from your mobile. My SU is My Sephora University’s acronym.
  • Which browser should I use to access to My Sephora University platform? Open My Sephora University using the “Google Chrome” browser, which allows optimal use of the platform.
  • How can I connect to My Sephora University from my mobile? Register via this Sephora Portal, with the same credentials (user and password) from “My Sephora Career”. You will be directed to a Sephora HR portal from which you will choose the My Sephora University icon. You can also scan this QR code to access to My SU. qrcode
  • What is a « course » on My Sephora University? On My SU, a course corresponds to a topic which can be composed of self-learning components (videos, e/vlearning, etc.) and live sessions (IRL or digital) animated by a trainer.
  • Do I have free access to all the courses? Yes. Moreover, it is not mandatory to complete a course before beginning another one. Several courses can be accessed at the same time.
  • How do I register for a live session? Registration for a live session can be done either through a course or directly from the home page calendar. Using the drop-down menu, select the session (date and location) you wish to participate in.
  • How do I change a registration for a live session? To choose a new live session, you must first unenroll from the first one. To do this, click the “unenroll” button on the registration page. You can then choose a new session. Please note: you can only unenroll if your request has not yet been accepted by your management.
  • How to cancel a registration to a live session? When you are on the registration live session page, you must see the "unenroll" button. Click on it to unregister. Please note that you will be able to unregister only if your request has not been accepted by your management yet.
  • How to know if I am registered to a live session? When you are on the registration live session page, a notification confirms you the status of your registration: “pending for approval”, “accepted” or “confirmed” by your management.
  • How much time do I have to register to a live session? Live sessions are open minimum 6 weeks before the training. You have until 2 weeks before the date of the session to register.
  • Who validates my participation request to a live session? Your participation requests to live sessions are sent to the Store Manager's email address. He/She can validate/change or refuse all the requests. He/She is in charge to inform you if your request has been validated, changed or refused. Also, he/she will give you the printed invitation.
  • Can my manager see my progress for the courses I started? Yes, your department manager and store manager can both have the possibility to access your progress and training history.
  • How to find the history of my live sessions? All of your previous sessions and future sessions can be found in the calendar published in your Dashboard page.
  • What is a badge and how to get it? A “badge” enables you to validate that you finished a module within a course. There are 3 types of “badges”:
    1) Classroom badge, which you can obtain when you participate to a live/digital session
    2) Success badge, which you can obtain when you pass an e/vlearning
    3) Validation badge, which you can obtain when you score minimum 80% at a quizz
  • Who should I contact for a connection issue? Inform your manager.
  • How do I reset my My Sephora University password? Talk to your manager about resetting your My Sephora University password, then he/she will contact the local IT support.